You all remember the Time Magazine cover with Glen Beck's face with his tongue stuck out and the caption 'Mad Man', double-punning in reference to an article about his looney nature and the anger he represents that Americans harbor against their government, particularly the Democrats? Well, the cheerleaders of Totalitarianism at Time Magazine - the same publication that named George W. Bush and Joseph Stalin man of the year TWICE EACH - can make fun of Glen Beck all they want, I agree he's a clown; but as my predictions in this post-electoral world continue to be verified, it becomes obvious Republicans weren't the only angry Americans in the last 2 years, and it wasn't just the Democrats people were angry at.
Although Banking Pope Bernanke continues re-arranging of the deck chairs, the Titanic held together by duct tape that is the stock market is accelerating on its downward path, and this is seemingly no surprise to anyone other than Mr. Bernake himself. The reason is very simple; the economy never recovered from the Fall 2008 crash. The pre-2009 Congress squeezed through the bank bailout, and then Obama came into office and has allowed the same rescued banks to limp along with his stimulus deals. Well, the stocks have gained some ground but unemployment is still in double digits, multiple state governments are still on the verge of insolvency and the housing crash hasn't gone anywhere - the FHA and other stimuli have at best delayed and spread out the onslaught of foreclosures, but they sure as hell haven't stopped it, helping only the same megabanks that caused it in the first place to avoid drowning in worthless foreclosed properties. Call investors "greedy capitalists" all you want for not wanting to buy shithole properties at 1.5 times their market values because the banks are subsidized and have no incentive to sell it for what its worth - it won't convince them to hand their money over to Goldman Sachs. Unlike the boys at Goldman Sachs, these investors are skilled economists if they endured the recession WITHOUT billions in bailouts from the Federal government. Well, this midterm election just severed the corporate stimulus needle, and that includes the Bush Jr. capital gains tax slashes which look like they will only be preserved for the middle class, so now the 2008 crash is being carried out to its logical conclusion - the purging of the assininely irresponsible investments that caused it. Make no mistake about it, THIS Congress isn't going to bail out anyone - not the banks, not the auto industry, not AIG.
AND for all you detractors who think I'm just being a groupy for the Tea Party again, it has more to do with the ensuing Democrat split than the Republican split. Nothing is funnier than all the crusty old Democratic establishment goats that got sent home 2 weeks ago griping in their departure speeches that Pelosi should step down. YOU OLD FARTS DIDN'T GET RE-ELECTED AND SHE DID, that means the American people don't care what YOU think, just pick up your cane and go home. I'm not a fan of Pelosi as many of you can imagine, but Pelosi is very much a Progressive fringe Democrat - she didn't support the Patriot Act or Bush Jr's wars, she endorsed Obamacare in its original form - which was laughable from a practicality perspective but at least not a complete sellout to the medical cartels, - and so forth. The establishment tried to pin the party's unpopularity on this fringe to get rid of it, but it turned out that wasn't who the American people wanted to get rid of, as evidenced by Democrat incumbents dropping like flies in their own primaries, just like Republicans. The stimulus and the bailouts have always been a primarily Democrat endeavor, but the Progressive fringe has always included the minority of liberals that voted against it like Bernie Sanders and Dennis Kucinich; Pelosi's re-election as minority leader today demonstrates the fringe is powerful within the party and the majority of the election's beating was sustained by the establishment. As for Republicans, there have always been some in the establishment that supported bailouts and stimulus - Bush Jr being a prime example - but the 2006 and 2008 elections sent large numbers of them packing, and the Tea Partiers who have taken their place and broken more of them in the primaries this year are vehemently anti-stimulus. McConnell and Boehner making haste to appease the Tea Party fringe is a rather laughable spectacle after how hard they worked against them - but even if some co-optation on that side of the aisle is unavoidable, the Tea Party has shown what a serious threat it can be and continues to encroach on establishment bids for Congressional leadership, so stimulus is not getting any new support from the right.
Where this leaves us is at an interesting political cross-roads. My prediction is that Obama will actually GAIN popularity in the next 2 years, reconciling with some of his liberal base as he goes back to his roots. He WAS a Progressive fringe Democrat until he became President - voting againt the wars and the Patriot Act at least, if not the bailout; but the sickening likes of Harry Reid and John Kerry have forced him to play both sides. If this happens, however, the establishment that is backed by megabanks, medical cartels, and public unions is not likely to support his re-nomination for 2012. Remember the circus of the Obama/Clinton "unity rally" after they spent months dousing each other in shit in 2008? Well, neither of them was the incumbent back then, and if in 2012 the establishment firmly endorses a different candidate, there are likely to be no unity rallies, but two separate Democrat Parties with their own candidates. This has happened multiple times in our history - 1860, 1896, 1912 - people just assume it can't because they have short memories. Of course, if the Democrats do split, it will hand the presidency over to the Republicans - the splitting incumbent parties lost all those elections mentioned above - but THIS is where the Tea Party becomes crucial. You will all recall that in the 2008 Republican primaries, Ron Paul and Mike Huckabee demonstrated considerable support, and these two candidates can be said to represent the libertarian and social conservative wings of the Tea Party, respectively. When neo-con John McCain managed the nomination, Americans showed the GOP establishment just how much we love them, handing them the first landslide defeat in 28 years. If the Tea Party can squeeze out the 2012 Republican nomination for someone who is disliked by the establishment despite co-optation attempts (Ron Paul would be excellent for this purpose), what's left of the old GOP is not likely to endorse a 4th candidate, but they MAY endorse the Democratic establishment candidate, effectively forcing the establishments out of both major parties. This may sound far-fetched, but it HAS happened before as well. It is unlikely that another neo-con will get the Republican nomination, but if some formerly establishment "suddenly-Tea Party" turncoat like Michelle Bachmann or Sarah Palin can manage it, solidifying the Tea Party's fusion into the GOP, the best we can hope for is the Democrat establishment joining the Republicans (a la 1968) or fading away, re-aligning only the Democratic Party, and even that may not necessarily happen. Call me optimistic, but I will not be surprised if the current party system has seen its last election - and if it has, good riddance to it and its rotten New Deal hybridity.
The purpose of FYG is civil, scientific discussion of politics. The author leans very strongly toward political models of limited government and downright anarchy, but my approach to it attempts to divorce itself from any political ideology and promote public policy based on non-normative science. I strongly recommend that you read the first 3 blog posts, which outline and explain this approach, before reading or commenting on anything else in the blog.
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
Black November Continues: Falling stocks and marching fringes.
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